Italian woman undergoes over 20 plastic surgeries to look like a cat; check out the before and after

Italian woman undergoes over 20 plastic surgeries to look like a cat; check out the images / Reproduction instagram @aydinmod
Italian woman undergoes over 20 plastic surgeries to look like a cat; check out the images / Reproduction instagram @aydinmod

The young Italian Chiara Dell’Abate, 22, known as Aydin Mod on social media, has been accumulating millions of views on her videos on TikTok, showcasing the results of over 20 cosmetic procedures done to look like a cat.

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Having started the procedures at the age of 11, when she got a piercing and ear stretching, Chiara Dell’Abate now has pointed ears, forehead implants, eye tattoos, claw-shaped nails, and several other surgeries, in addition to over 72 piercings spread across her body.

Before and after of Aydin Mod / Reproduction Instagram @aydinmod
Before and after of Aydin Mod / Reproduction Instagram @aydinmod

In an interview with the New York Post, she says, “It’s mind-blowing to see how much the human body can change and what you can really achieve with body modifications. I think becoming a cat is more suitable for me, as I don’t want to look like a cartoon character. I’ve always loved cats and I think I’ll look very bold and fierce like a cat with the right body modifications.”

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Aydin Mod / Reproduction Instagram @aydinmod
Aydin Mod / Reproduction Instagram @aydinmod

According to the young woman, she will still need to undergo several other procedures to have the perfect feline appearance: “To achieve the complete look of a cat, I’ll need a cat eye lift or cantoplasty – surgery to produce more elongated and almond-shaped eyes – I’ll have to do teeth reshaping, upper lip lift, and more fillers,” she explained.

Photos and videos: Reproduction Instagram and TikTok @aydinmod

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