Check out 8 homemade tips to get rid of your dog’s bad breath

Scopri 8 consigli casalinghi per eliminare l'alito cattivo del tuo cane. Foto: Pexels
Check out 8 homemade tips to get rid of your dog’s bad breath. Photo: Pexels

Nothing is better than coming home and being greeted with cuddles, kisses, and licks from our best friends. The only thing that can cause some discomfort is if the puppy has a breath that forces the owner to hold his breath for long periods.

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To prevent you from having to interact with your pet equipped with a snorkel, we present eight home tips so that bad breath does not stand in the way of affection between owner and pet.

Before reading, make sure your breath is also breathable. Remember that your little animal has a sense of smell much superior to yours.

1 – The Basics

It’s not normal for a dog to have bad breath. This may indicate that the pet may have some oral problem. Without treatment, sick teeth and gums quickly lead to health problems, which can even threaten the animal’s survival. Therefore, it is recommended to brush your dog’s teeth regularly, at least once a week.
If you have a dog with a small, short or brachycephalic face – like a shih tzu, pug, or French bulldog -, it is ideal to brush their teeth every day. This is because the conformation of their small mouths makes them more vulnerable to deterioration.

Before brushing, offer some delicious treats, to help him associate the experience with the pleasure of the treats. And use only specific toothpaste for dogs.

2 – Like a chewing gum

There are chewable bones and sticks on the market that help improve a dog’s breath. Not all contain the same formula.
Look for one that contains refreshing chlorophyll, cinnamon, and clove. And don’t be alarmed if you notice a greenish hue in your puppy’s poop. It’s just the chlorophyll showing up.

3 – Wheatgrass

A raw source of chlorophyll, wheatgrass is an excellent remedy for a dog’s bad breath. Available in natural product stores, it can be mixed with the animal’s food.

4 – Soluble solution

In addition to chewing, dogs can drink water boosted with additives with enzymes, chlorophyll, and other ingredients designed to eliminate bad breath.
Mix additives like Fresh Breath Tropiclean Water in the water you normally serve your pet. In a few days, you will already notice the difference. And your dog’s mouth will be free of many harmful bacteria.

5 – Living organisms

Speaking of harmful bacteria, you should make sure that your dog’s mouth is filled with beneficial bacteria to fight those that cause halitosis. At these times, probiotics are invaluable allies.
Use a probiotic made especially for dogs, and you will notice a big difference – not only in keeping the dog’s bad breath at bay, but in his overall well-being. In pet shops, there are products starting from $15.90.

6 – Homemade

In addition to increasing digestive functions and the immune and metabolic systems, coconut oil helps combat bad breath.
Put a full teaspoon of love on the food every day and soon you will feel a better breath. Dogs love the taste. For them, coconut oil is a treat. The coolest thing is that you can make it at home.

7 – Phytotherapeutic aid

Like coconut oil, neem (an extract from the same-named tree) is one of those phytotherapics that have many positive effects on dogs’ (and humans’) health. Besides being great for skin and coat, neem is excellent for promoting oral health. In capsules or powder, it is recommended to add to the food twice a week.

8 – Powder or spray

Cinnamon is another household item that has the potential to refresh your dog’s breath.
A pinch over the meal or a daily spray application will help you not to hold your breath in front of your best friend’s mouth.

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